Duo CellAr – Danilo Cabaluz and Julia Willeitner
In February 2013 we met as students in the Universität Mozarteum Salzburg and in June we founded our Duo.
Because of the rare combination Cello/Guitar and the very small repertoire we became a big motivation to create something new.
We startet a little trip through the different music-styles of Europe and South-America and began to arrange for our instruments. In our repertoire arises an alternation between the traditional folk-music of Lateinamerica with the classical-european music.
We already create a few concerts in Germany, Austria, Spain and in summer 2014 we made our first tournee through Chile.
In november 2015 we published our first CD “La vida breve“.
Danilo Cabaluz Ducasse
He has obtained his Bachelor degree in the class of Luis Orlandini, in the arts department of Universidad de Chile, master dagree and postgraduate in the class of Eliot Fisk in the Universität Mozarteum Salzburg. He was rated both the highest qualification and the maximum recognition. He has taken part of several master classes with Eduardo Isaac, Eduardo Fernández, Marco Socias, Ricardo Gallén and Leo Brouwer.
He has participated in the International guitar festival of Santiago “Entre Cuerdas”, IX Seminar of musical interpretation (Mar de Plata – Argentina), XV Frutillar´s musical weeks, International festival of contemporary music (U. de Chile), 1er. International guitar seminar of Santiago. Official concert seasons of USACH orchestra, guitar festival of Lausanne (Suiza), Salzburg Internatinal Chamber Music (Austria), between others. He was a member of Barroco Andino und Ensamble de guitarras de Chile. In the present, he is a member of “Mosaiko” Guitar Quartet. Together with the quartet and as a soloist he has performed in the most important concert halls of Chile and other countries such as Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Spain, Holland, Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
He has performed several times as a soloist and as a part of the guitar quartet together with the orchestra of Santiago´s university (USACH). Antofagasta symphony orchestra and Camerata de la Universidad de los Andes by the guidance of Santiago Meza, Aliosha Solovera, Christian Baeza y Eduardo Brown.
He is currently taking part of the class of Eliot Fisk in the Universität Mozarteum Salzburg. The scholarship was offered by the government of Chile in 2009.
Julia Willeitner
Julia Willeitner was born 1993 in Passau, Germany. She got her first lessons with the age of twelve by Siglinde Käß. From 2006 to 2009 she took lessons with Hartmut Caßens in Passau. 2009 she continued to Gregor Babica in Passau. In september 2010 she joined the cello-class of Wolfgang Nüsslein in Regensburg as a preliminary student. In Oktober 2011 she moved to the Mozarteum in Salzburg where she started here studies with Prof.Heidi Litschauer, Prof. Giovanni Gnocchi. Since 2015 she continues with Prof.Enrico Bronzi.
Julia took part in a few masterclasses with Guido Schiefen, Claudio Bohorquez, Matthias Diener and Peter Bruns. Many experiences she got by playing in different Orchesters like Neue Philharmonie München (concerts in Azerbaijan, Italy, France, Switzerland, etc.) Wiener Jeunesse Orchester, and the the Domorchester in Passau.
In June 2013 she founded together with the chilean guitarist Danilo Cabaluz „Duo CellAr“. They already played in Germany, Austria, Spain and in summer 2014 they did their first tournee through Chile. In november 2015 the Duo published his first CD “La vida breve“.